Jiujiang Ingiant Technology Co., Ltd. 2024 Early Summer Tour

In this fast-paced era, in order to enhance the cohesion and centripetal force of the team, the company carefully planned a joyful team-building activity. This time, we headed towards the picturesque and culturally profound Yaoli Ancient Town in Jingdezhen, where we created an unforgettable memory together.


Yaoli Ancient Town, located in the eastern part of Fuliang County, Jingdezhen, has a long historical context and rich cultural heritage. Strolling among the quaint streets and alleys, the long river of history seems to be flowing slowly at this moment. The blue bricks and black tiles are uncarved, simple and natural, the winding stream, the ancient stone bridge, through the bridge hole is the Wu Peng boat full of wisdom and sentiment, and the beautiful scenery of the thousand-year-old town is as clear as the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River. Entering the soul, the bustling world and glamor of the city are washed away.


      In addition to experiencing the culture and beauty of the ancient town, we also visited the Long Kiln Ruins, the “source of porcelain”, and explored the Wanghu National Forest Park, known as a natural oxygen bar.


      In Wanghu Forest Park, employees can enjoy the beautiful scenery while hiking and exploring, and understand the mysteries of nature directly. The mountains and rivers here are beautiful, the air is fresh, and there are countless rare plants. In this natural oxygen bar, employees have a close contact with nature, which adds new vitality to their lives and injects new momentum into their work.


This trip to Yaoli is not only a simple trip, but also a tempering of team spirit. The beautiful scenery and profound cultural heritage of Yaoli allow us to feel the power of family affection and cherish the time spent with our family.


      “Stay true to our original aspirations and grow together, and work together to write a new chapter.” Every employee has become more determined to contribute to the company’s development. We will meet every challenge together with fuller enthusiasm and a more united attitude. Draw a more brilliant future for Ingiant technology.

Post time: May-22-2024